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4 Things That I’m Going To Continue To Do In 2021

I enjoy setting attainable goals for the new year. This year isn’t any different. Despite the sadness that I feel creating this post I still remain optimistic that 2021 will bring its fair share of blessings to mine and my family’s life.

I encourage you to set your own new year goals. Setting goals gives hope for better days and it’s a great way to live out your faith. Don’t rely on your feelings because they change often. Rely on your faith in God to bring you sunny days and joy!

Let My Little Light Shine

I’m going to do more of what I want regardless of how nervous it makes me feel if and when I share it with others.

Make Time for Fitness and Self Care

I am going to do more reading for pleasure, more walks, more manicures/pedicures, and more squats. Taking better care of myself will always help me to be a better person, mom, and wife.

Don’t feel guilty for making yourself a priority.

Clean my groceries and spray my packages

I can’t prove that coronavirus lives on packages, but when I learned that it lives on surfaces for hours I begin to clean our groceries. Antibacterial wipes help me sanitize my groceries before putting them away.

I also spray our deliveries with antibacterial spray. I felt silly about doing this at first until I encountered a few cashiers using gloves to scan groceries. The gloves were so dirty they looked like a mechanics’ hand. I understand their reasoning, but it gives me peace of mind to clean my items. The amount of dirt that I have seen removed from my packages when sanitizing them makes me feel compelled to keep cleaning and sanitizing.

Speak Life Encourage and Inspire

This is what fuels me! I feel better about myself when I can help someone else see their worth or feel the same grace that I feel. We were not put on this earth to only fulfill our own goals, so if I can help someone else fulfill their goals while working on my own that’s exactly what I will continue to do.

Many Blessings to You and your Family in 2021!

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