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Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Neighbors

I hope your neighbors are kind to you and you are kind to them. I’ve read some pretty awful stories about the neighbors that have attitudes from hell. Thankfully that has never been our expierence. In fact, we pretty much consider and treat on of our neighbors as extended family. Christmas is a great time to acknowledge your wonderful neighbors that keep an eye out for your home and kids safety while bike riding or playing in the neighborhood. It doesn’t take a lot and I hope these ideas will inspire you to send a little token of gratitude or begin a friendly tradition.

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The Elderly Neighbor

Slippers, robes, pastries, and home services are all great gift ideas for elderly neighbors. One year my husband bought one of our sweet neighbors a snuggie and she loved it. We thought it was perfect for the season. Prepaid home services such as a yard maintenance, home cleaning, or grocery delivery are kind gestures as well.

The Neighbor with Kids

There are a ton of gift ideas for your favorite neighbor that has children. Amazon gift cards for movie rental, a gift card for pizza, a family board game, or a greeting card are just a few ideas.

The Neighbor With The A Dog

If one of your favorite neighbors has a cute little dog that you or your kids often greet on walks you can surprise them with a special gift just for little Rufus or Fido, you know, the dog! A gift card to your local groomer or pet store is also an option. Here are a few other ideas.

The New Neighbor

Your new neighbor out by showing up with a Christmas gift. That’s because more than likely you don’t know anything about them. Consider this Christmas gift idea also has a “welcome to the neighborhood” gesture. You want to keep this gift non-gender specific and inexpensive. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally give the wrong impression or come off offensively.

Happy Shopping!

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