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My Favorite Tips and Hacks That Makes Laundry Day Less Annoying

Whenever I want to complain about laundry, I try to remind myself of how fortunate I am to have a washer and dryer in my home. I said, “I try!”

Here are a few ways that I conquer laundry and the many funks that can go along with it.

Most manuals recommend that you clean your washer every 30 wash cycles. I like to clean mine lightly every month and give it a deep clean about 4 or 5 times a year.

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I use an all-purpose cleaner to wipe down the outside of the washer and dryer. This just helps to remove any dust or sticky residue from detergent. In between wash cycles I clean my machine, by using an old juice bottle to drain the filter hose and a small brush to clean out the cap. I spray vinegar around the rubber trimming and I use that same small brush to give the trim a light scrub.

When I want it to have a deep clean I use a washing machine cleaner and the tub clean setting on my machine.

When I fail to put my laundry into the dryer on time it get can get that yucky mold smell. To fix this problem I add a 1 cup of white distilled vinegar into my detergent dispenser and rewash my clothes on cold water and a light cycle. You can also add a dash of your favorite essential oil.

When I’m doing laundry on an already busy day I sometimes set a timer on my phone to remember to switch out the clothes. This just works best for me rather than using the timer on the actual machine. It helps me to not feel pressured to listen out for the timer on the machine.

Thicker fabrics on clothes such as sweaters and denim is sometimes a pain to dry and I don’t like the damp feeling that it leaves behind. To speed up the drying time I add a dry bath towel into the dryer. It also helps the clothes to not have that damp mildew smell.

I find that it is also very helpful to keep a few pant, shirt, and kid clothes hangers in my laundry room. It is a great way to hang clothes, bras, or other soft fabrics that are not dryer safe. In addition to keeping hangers handy I also keep a lingerie laundry bag to wash bras, our face masks, and other small items including scarves, toddler socks, and mittens.

A dryer can ignite with fire at anytime. It’s important to not leave your dryer in use when you are not home. Changing your main lint duct with each use helps to eliminate fires. It’s also helpful to clean the lint area that may be located in the back of your dryer. You can read more about this here and ways to prevent chemical combustion as well.

I hope that my tips have been helpful for you. If so, please share and pin on Pinterest.

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