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Check On The Moms With Strong-Willed Daughters. We Are Not Okay!

Have you seen the memes that are hilariously true about raising girls?

We make so many jokes about this, but truthfully there is a mom somewhere totally frustrated, and praying “Lord Help”. There is a mom somewhere that is also likely trying not to curse or cry. Her patience is being stretched beyond her wildest imaginations. In her thoughts she is screaming, “God please come and get your child”, but in her reality, she is saying, “I’m your momma, you will do what I say!” It’s me, I’m that momma!

This isn’t my first go-around in motherhood, but my daughter is nothing like my son. Our daughters are everything that we prayed for in all of their beauty, charisma, passion, strength, joy, and fun. However, we get tired and we get tired of being punked by them all of the time. My “threenager” knows that momma will not tolerate disrespect from her, but I can’t help but sometimes feel that she pushes my limits intentionally. I have to pray, breathe, and sometimes walk away when she gets spicy with her actions and words. I know in my heart that her strong will personality will help her in some area of her life one day, but today, maybe even this week is not that time!

We are not parenting alone. We have a heavenly father that has given us the know-how to do it gracefully. I want to share these scriptures with you. These scriptures help me to see my girl boss from a different perspective. They help me to use God’s perspective. This is the only way that I believe we can help them to make it to age 21 without losing our minds.


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