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What to do when it’s NOT your season!

When I hear people say, “it’s my season” two things automatically click in my thoughts. One thought is, everything that they have worked hard for or prayed for is finally aligning in their lives. The second thought is the lyrics to “It’s Working” by William Murphy.  I automatically belt it out in my best voice with emphasis on “this is MY season”. Ha! It’s an amazing song that encourages us to believe, and trust in God’s timing for our lives, but what happens when your life is in disarray or it appears to be everyone’s season except yours? There are several things that you can do, but breaking down into a pity party isn’t one of them. Trust me, I’ve been there. Feeling sorry for ourselves is always the easiest solution, but does it solve anything? Absolutely not! Let’s cry and just keep it moving!

We have to first remember that God has already told us that seasons will come and go for us all. There is a time for everything and for everyone. There are several scriptures that prove this to us. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up”. Now, I can’t say it simpler than that scripture just did. Keep up the good fight! Don’t grow weary! Wake up every morning and find your joy. Treat people right, make smart decisions, trust in God and his perfect timing. Don’t allow your eyes and thoughts to wonder about what everyone outside of your immediate concern is doing.

You see other people receive blessings that they are not qualified for on “paper” or material things that they just really can’t afford. You, instead, have two degrees, arrive to work early, meet every deadline, and are still in an entry-level position. You pay your bills on time, save before you spend, and live within your means, but still, don’t have all of the things that you may want. How did they gain that promotion that they were not qualified for? How can they afford those things without going into debt? Acts 1:7 reminds us that, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority”. In other words, it’s not your business. Yeah, it’s okay to wonder how? You’re human! Jesus can promote, demote, give, and take away. What you should do is say, “God, if it’s your will, save the best for me too”. Learn to celebrate with others and cheer for others. God has not given you a spirit of jealousy and envy. That comes directly from Satan. Dismiss his old, and musty self back to the pits of hell.

God loves us unconditionally. He will give us what we need and desire if and only if it is aligned with his will. Ask and ye shall receive is popular for us when we want “things”, but there is more to that scripture. James 4:3 proves this for us and so many of us have missed this, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures”. Reading this scripture taught me to really think about the things that I thought was due to me. How many of you will honestly admit this? We all selfishly believed and hoped for things at one time or more that we just didn’t need. Gluttony maybe? We have to discipline ourselves in this area of asking daily. Let’s remember to always thank him first.

The William Murphy song, “It’s Working” is great because it reminds us that seasons are real and that they are for us all. Take away this! Even when you are not feeling blessed, not feeling adequate, don’t have enough money, or maybe you need this or that. Be assured that God will always flip those seasons and that his Grace, Favor, and Mercy is extended to you every single day of your life.

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