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You’re Still A Good Mom When You Let Dad Take Over

Being a good mom means that you want to know that your child is happy, safe, and comfortable when you have to leave them in the care of others. Even if it’s their dad. You will learn with your first or only child that no one will care for him/her the way that you do.

My mom always gives me great advice, but this one piece of advice that she gave me has given me so much peace. She assured me that it was okay to relinquish control to my husband and have him to take care of our child in all of the ways that my mind told me that he couldn’t or would mess up. Subconsciously I didn’t even realize that I was limiting his abilities as a father.

One day I didn’t pack the diaper bag as expected and my husband did it himself just fine. It was tough for me to relax at first. Did he pack enough diapers? Did he pack any at all? On their father and son trips to the grocery store I felt overwhelmed. I would call them to see if they were okay when they took a little too much time to come back home. My husband never expressed his frustration with me, but I’m sure he was and truthfully speaking I needed those moments alone to myself.

The more overwhelmed I became the more my mom suggested that I let my husband take over. This time I listened and I simply let go. My son loved having his dad do all of the things that I unknowingly deemed as my responsibility. Giving my husband the space that he needed to parent our son is what has made him the amazing father that he is today.

My mom reminded me that there were things that only my husband could do for our son that I couldn’t do as his mom and vice versa. Together, as parents, our child was surrounded with tons of love and support.

I want to encourage you today momma, let go. Allow your husband to step in and do what dads do. I know it won’t be perfect. My God knows that it will sometimes leave your home a disaster, but you deserve moments of peace and time to reconnect with yourself.


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