Five Reasons That It May Be Time To Find A New OB/GYN

I started going to a gynecologist when I was 19 years old. It’s that one appointment that has always made me cringe, but it’s necessary, so I tough it out. Having a great doctor makes it easier, but I haven’t always had a great doctor or necessarily even a good doctor. When I say this I’m not specifically speaking about my experiences with my gynecologist or my former obstetrician. It took a few years of asking around, switching doctors, and reading tons of reviews online.

This post is important to me because I know what it’s like to have a terrible, good, and great doctor. Having a good or great OB/GYN matters because a woman’s body goes through so many changes and it should be handled with care and respect. It’s not a great idea to continually change obstetricians during your pregnancy, so it helps even, more, to find a good or great OB/GYN before your pregnancy.

OB/GYN appointments are personal and as women, we should be happy with our doctor and the treatment that we are getting. Don’t ever settle for crappy treatment. If you are unsure about what that looks like these 5 reasons may help you out.

Your Appointment Is Rushed

There is a time limit on your OB/GYN appointment, but you should never feel rushed. Be sensible and considerate that your doctor does have other women waiting. This means that the small talk about the holidays and how the kids are doing should only be initiated by the doctor. When they ask questions outside of what the appointment is about, that means they have a little time carved out for you. It also builds rapport. This is your time to ask your doctor all of the questions that you have been pondering about. If you have a problem please speak up.

An Over Booked Schedule

I know that if you are reading this and you make the schedule for a doctor’s office you are going to say that we do not overbook. Yes, you do! If my appointment is at 11:30 and I don’t see the nurse until 12:45, you’re overbooked. Routinely we see the nurse before the doctor at an OB/GYN appointment. When the nurse continually pops back into the room for no reason at all to say “doctor Who will be with you soon” it gives the impression that she is stalling for the doctor. Everyone’s time is valuable. Making a patient wait a ridiculous amount of time in the waiting area or exam room should not be a consistent pattern by the practice. If this happens often at your OB/GYN appointments try asking the scheduling department to make your next appointment during a time window when your doctor isn’t as busy. Early morning appointments are very promising and you get the fresh side of your doctor’s personality as well.

Pressure To Have Procedures Done

Doctors are lifesavers from God and I’m so thankful for them. They also are very “by the book”. That means that some doctors will skip over your faith healing conversations and strongly suggest that you just take a medicine or have a procedure to rectify a problem that you may have. Use your better judgement and pray. When I was pregnant with my son I was diagnosed with a bladder infection. I took a prescribed medicine to make it go away. Months later I found out that it caused several different birth defects including cleft lip. My doctor never suggested the natural alternatives that I could take and I was not wise enough to research on my own. During my next pregnancy I was diagnosed with a bladder infection. (These babies will ride a bladder down.) I decided to use a natural alternative to treat the bladder infection. My doctor was disappointed and very firm about what could happen to my baby. I knew that he was only considering the baby, but so was I. You see, my son was born with a heart murmur. After a few years and a few trips to a cardiologist his heart murmur finally went away. I fully blame the medicine that I took during my pregnancy and I was not going to take it again. I opted for the natural alternative and it worked!

Don’t ever feel pressured to have a tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or any procedure done if there is an alternative method available that may work for you. A good doctor will help you way the odds and make a sound decision that benefits you.

Unreturned Phone Calls

Listen, I understand that doctors get busy. However, your question is important. A good doctors office will have a nurse or two that will return your call even if it’s at the end of the business day. If it’s an emergency you should always go to the emergency room or dial 911 instead of calling the doctors office. Most OB/GYN offices have a separate number to call if you are experiencing problems in a pregnancy because this is also like an emergency. If you never receive a call back about something medically related it may be time for you to find a new OB/GYN.

Terrible Bedside Manner

Doctors have feelings and that means that they may sometimes bring their problems to work. I hope that your appointment is not on the day that your doctor is just in a terrible mood. I’ll even suggest that you allow one bad appointment to pass. Terrible bedside manner is when your doctor is consistently short of patience, rude, or physically rough. I’ve read some horrible doctors reviews and experienced a few outside of the areas of OB/GYN, so I know it happens. Your doctor should lead the conversation, but also give you an opportunity to be heard. If you consistently feel voiceless at your appointments and it’s of no fault of you being shy or unassertive, it may be time to reconsider another provider.

Never be afraid to visit a CRNP instead of a gynecologist. They are just as qualified and can be a great provider for you as a patient. Take care of yourselves!


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