9 Things to Do Before You Become a Mom

Thinking about Motherhood? Well, alright! Motherhood is amazing, but there are some days that you will feel like you’re doing it all so wrong, but I guarantee you that those are the days that your children will give you a big hug and love you even more. These 9 tips are different from the important Pre-Mom tips that I shared with all of you ladies that want to have a baby BUT have so many things to do right now.

fit moms

1.  Get Healthy –  This is about taking care of yourself overall, mind, body, and spirit. Motherhood will make you sometimes forget about yourself. This can take a toll on your weight and mental health. Now is the time to not only begin to eat healthily or begin a fitness regimen, but also to make sure that you are in a healthy state of mind. It’s okay to talk to a therapist if you suffer from depression or any other disorders that will affect your health during pregnancy.

2.  Sleep and Nap Often – Listen to me, go to bed! The first 2 years of your child’s life will leave you with many sleepless nights. It’s perfectly normal. Babies are not meant to sleep entirely through the night. Like us, their bodies have a natural sensor to wake when there is a  physical need.

3.  Enjoy Being Nude – I mean only if that’s your thing now. When your little one arrives you’ll have to cover up or be forced to answer the embarrassing question of “what’s that?”.

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4.  Discover Yourself – Find out who you are now! Take the time to accept certain flaws that you have or begin to work on them. Try new things, go places, and learn to love who you are in all facets. Motherhood has a way of making you question everything you sometimes once believed when you selflessly love another human that totally depends on your decisions. Having a child means that your heart is figuratively walking around outside of your own body.

5.  Spend Time With Your Friends – If you enjoy hanging out with friends often this is your time to make the most of it. Motherhood shouldn’t end true friendships, but it can sometimes put a damper on the time that you actually have to spend with friends outside of your own family. If you are expecting a baby, be sure and let your friends know just how important they are and that you need them now more than ever. Real friendships can always pick up where they left off.

6.  Have Sex With Your Spouse (Very Often) – There will be times during your pregnancy when sex will be the last thing you are interested in having. It’s all hormones. There will also be other times that you desire to be much closer to your spouse, so enjoy those times. Having a baby sometimes places a damper on a healthy sex life because you mentally and physically dedicate so much of yourself to your baby. Enjoy sex with your spouse as often as possible. This is also a great time to work on intimacy. Intimacy doesn’t have to include intercourse. Intimacy is important for the times that you are physically unable to have intercourse. It will keep your relationship strong and vibrant. Learn to hug, touch, talk, and kiss often.

find a hobby

8.  Find a Hobby – Hobbies are so important and I think that people often underestimate how much joy they can actually bring to your life. Hobbies don’t always mean crafting, but that can be fun as well. Hobbies can be reading, organizing, collecting, cooking, fishing, or creating. The list is endless. Hobbies will help you in those moments that you can’t spend time with friends or just feel overwhelmed with responsibilities or people.

9.  Travel Alone – Being a Mom should not stop you from traveling or desiring to travel. Now is the time to take all of your adults only inclusive vacations. When you become a mom you’ll discover that your brain is automatically triggered to search out family vacation spots. It’s true! Ask a mom friend. While family vacations are fun don’t neglect alone time with your spouse.

Do you have any other great ideas for things to do before becoming a Mom? Share them in the comments below!


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